Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My First Experiences

By Junko Ishikawa

I had two kinds of events on October 25. For one thing, I watched buffalo that my host father and host mother’s father butchered.

I woke up at six o’clock in the morning even though I went to bed late because I was excited about watching it. Then I prepared to go out and I went out at 7:30 a.m. After that, we went to my host mother’s parents' farm and I watched them approach the buffalo, but because buffalo are dangerous, I couldn’t. So, I waited in the car with my host mother and host brother.

In a half an hour or so, he shot the buffalo. She pulled up behind the buffalo. Unfortunately it was cold and windy outside. Thus I got out of the car to watch what they were butchering and went back many times. It was awesome. I had never seen anything like that before and I could touch buffalo’s stomach, lung, liver, bowel and so forth. I had a wonderful experience. The most surprising of all today was when my host father shot 3 times; they always died. Yet this time, the buffalo didn’t die even though it was shot in the same place. The buffalo that my host father shot 5 times finally died.

Another event was Tara's wedding. Lately, some Japanese people celebrate a marriage at church. So it's a little similar to a Canadian wedding. However Japanese traditional wedding is totally different. I was glad to go there and I could know how they celebrated.

Those are my precious memories.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo-o-o-o, that looks yucky! It was an interesting experience, for sure, but what about a nice picture from Tara's wedding? ;-)
