Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Pressures of Being a Student

By Kotomi Taniguchi

Being a student has many pressures. Unfortunately, we have to be a student in order to get a job and st6o study something. It is easy to be a student and there are many merits but in fact, there are many demerits, too. We feel many pressures not only studying, but also from other things.

The first student pressure is scores. They have to get high scores to get degrees. We have to attend classes almost every day to take a class, and we have to do our homework and review what we studied before the next class. Moreover, we have to take a test at least once a month.

Second, we need a lot of money to go to school. We have to pay money for tuition, text books, transportation expenses and so on. We need a lot of money not only for tuition but also for other things. If I live in a dormitory or an apartment, I have to pay for it too.

Third, we have to do some part-time job to get money for school and living expenses. Some people can get some money from the government but it isn’t enough. Students have to go to a part-time job after school or on weekends. It is very hard for them to \keep up both school and a part-time job. It is very stressful, and they feel pressure.

Being a student has many pressures and there are so many problems, but we have to do that. I think every country has to think about some solution to reduce students’ pressures.

1 comment:

  1. Kotomi,
    I think all students feel these pressures. When I was a student, I had a part-time job, first at a donut shop and then at a video store. Plus, I had lots of homework and studying to do! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic.
