Friday, June 17, 2011

Kinds of Phobias

By Emika Uetake

Do you have any phobias? Almost all people have some phobias. I can classify phobias into three kinds: place, things, and emotions.

First of all, many people feel fear of some place. Acrophobia is one of the representative examples. When they stand in a high place like a bridge, a castle, in an airplane and so on, they feel a strong horrible feeling. Some acrophobia people faint just standing in a high place.

Some people have a phobia about something. I usually hear that someone has a phobia about needles. Things whose tip is sharp make people scared and needles are connected with criminals who knife someone to death.

Phobias about emotions are difficult to solve. For example, someone doesn’t want people to hate. All people are feeling that, but if the feeling becomes strong, it can torture us.

It is difficult to overcome these phobias, but if you have some phobias, you need to conquer them to enjoy your life.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this explanation, Emika. I'll confess: I have a phobia about moths. I know it's irrational, but I am afraid of them!
