Tuesday, November 8, 2011


By Emika Uetake

A lot of people suffer from insomnia. For instance, tjere are a number of companies called “black companies” in Japan. This kind of company is famous for bad working conditions, too long working time, hard work, and bad co-workers and bosses. Working at these companies makes stresses and strains, and many people are caused insomnia. I think insomnia is caused easily when stress builds up. However, there are some way to releive or solve insomnia.

When you were a child, have your parents ever said, “You can’t sleep? Why don’t you count sheep?” Counting sheep is a famous way of sleeping. You imagine there is a big, beautiful, and green field. Then, some sheep gaze at a fence, and they start running and jumping suddenly. You count it. One, two, three . . . Finally, you can sleep. When I was nervous because of tests or something, I used to do that. Counting is a simple action, and a sheep is a fluffy and cute animal. These are why we can sleep by just counting sheep.

When I am in Japan, I use a chaff pillow. This isn’t fluffy like a pillow I am using in Canada, but I have used the pillow for a very long time. I like this pillow’s particular sound and feel. I think finding favorite bedroom suites is a good way to solve insomnia. There are some shops which make your original pillow. They measure up customer’s length of neck, search how balance is the ben when the customer sleeps, and so on. This is expensive, but pillows ca be used for a long time. You can also have a pillow which is only on in the world.

I have heard just closing our eyes can restore seventy percent of our energy. Therefore, if you can’t sleep at night, closing your eyes is much better than getting up and doing something. This is a very easy way, and you can work or study with more focus the next day.

A lot of people who have insomnia tend to rely on taking pills. There is a huge number of sleeping pills in the world, and you can get those for cheap prices. I think those are much cheaper than making your own pillows or beds and much easier than countin gsheep or closing your eyes until sleeping comes. However, is the best way to take pills? I don’t think so. Many people “throw away” their life by chemical poisoning. If people with insomnia keep on relying on takin gpills, they will cause another problem like this. Therefore, I don’t recommend taking pills.

Sleeping is a very important routine in our entire life. Humans spend one-third of their lives sleeping. Everyone wants to spend time to sleep comfortably, but everyone doesn’t want to have insomnia. If you have insomnia, be careful you don’t go too far.

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