Friday, December 16, 2011

The Effects of Global Warming

By Ayako Suzuki

There are problems about global warming. Recently, I hear this topic even when I go to a coffee house. I see posters about global warming everywhere. And also information about global warming is in elementary school’s text book in Japan. I think the most important cause is greenhouse gases. We are producing a lot of greenhouse gases every day even when I am not in a house. Especially we produce it too much in summer. I sometimes feel cold like in winter when I am in a train, in a public library, in a theater, and in a college. I mean, people destroy nature. There are several effects of global warming.

First, there is a rise in ocean levels. In fact, there are areas that are flooded because of a rise in ocean levels. Do you know Tuvalu? Tuvalu has been independent since 1978 from the United Kingdom. Actually, Tuvalu is being covered by water. Then, people who live in Tuvalu are moving to New Zealand. In addition, it is expected that the Marshall Islands, the Maldives, and Venice, Italy will be covered by water after five or ten. They have a lot of traditional buildings. If they are covered, I'll not be able to go there.

Secondly, ecological systems change. For instance, there are polar bears on the verge of extinction because the temperatures increase in the North Pole. It means that they can't keep their life spaces from global warming.

Finally, global warming influences agriculture and fishing. For instance, it became difficult for fishermen because fishes were killed by global warming. Recently, the fishes which are disappearing have increased in number.

So, you must think more seriously about this topic in each country. I wish that you immediately change your life style after you read this.

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