Tuesday, February 22, 2011

TOEFL Topic 68: Daily Homework is Necessary

By Jaisung Yoon

Topic 68: Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

February 1, 2011

Homework plays a very important role in a student’s life. This is because homework forces a student to review his schoolwork, and makes him understand them deeply, so he has a lasting impression. The question is whether or not homework needs to be done on a daily basis. In my opinion, doing daily homework is important since it helps students get good grades and build a sense of responsibility.

To begin with, doing homework is a crucial activity to improve students’ understanding. If a student does not do his homework many times, he will not be able to keep up with his classes. By doing daily homework, students are able to go over their school subjects, understand what was covered and master it. From my personal experience of doing homework everyday, I can say that it was a huge help in improving my school grades. Doing daily homework was not easy for me at first because it took away my leisure and social time. However, when I got accustomed to doing homework everyday, I enjoyed my classes more and my grades improved.

Next, doing daily homework provides students an opportunity to become more responsible. In this competitive society, finishing work on time can be essential to holding a job, and doing homework every day can be the first step in terms of learning how to meet deadlines. When my older sister entered high school, she did not like to do her homework because that was a lot and it was too much for her. Consequently, she was not interested in her classes and could not keep up with her classmates. One day, my father found out about it, and told her that if she wanted to enjoy her classes, she should not ever skip her homework. After that, she always turned in her homework on time. Now, she is a trustworthy and successful business person, and credits doing her homework help her become successful.

In conclusion, doing daily homework is really beneficial for students. This is because it helps students get good grades at school, understand the information and ideas, and develop a sense of responsibility.

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