Tuesday, February 22, 2011

TOEFL Topic 57: The Kind of Movies I Prefer

By Jaisung Yoon

Topic 57: Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some people prefer watching movies which are serious and designed to make the audience think; others like watching movies which are designed to amuse and entertain. Both movies designed to make the audience think and movies designed to amuse and entertain can be beneficial; however, I prefer watching amusing and entertaining movies because they provide more chances to help me improve the efficiency of my work and give me thoughts.

To begin with, watching movies that are designed to amuse is beneficial because it improves my efficiency. Often, when I watch the movies designed to encourage me think about a serious topic, such as a family trouble or a social issue, it will make me consider the topics of the movies as if they were my problems. As a result, I will be under stress. On the contrary, by watching the movies that are made to amuse me, I can have fun and laugh a lot. Consequently, I am able to get rid of stress and work more efficiently. From my personal experience of watching a comedy movie, The Simpsons, I can say that the film helped me relieve my stress and focus more on my work. Last summer, I was under a lot of burden from school work so I decided to watch The Simpsons to relieve the stress. While watching, I laughed a lot, and I got rid of my stress so I felt refreshed. This enabled me to get through with everything I had to do and get good grades.

Next, there is no doubt that serious movies give me a lot of things to think about; however the movies which are designed to amuse and entertain also provide me with many valuable ideas to mull over. Although comedy movies are primarily produced to entertain and to be enjoyed, they have their own messages and important lessons. I cannot remember the title of the movie; however the story was about a woman who wanted to get a job in South Korea. Even though mood of the film was very light and made me laugh a lot, in the end of the movie, I was able to get a valuable lesson: there is no gain without pain. Actually, I was also worried about my future job at that time. After watching the movie, I decided to study harder than before, and eventually, I was able to get good grades at university and get a good job.

In conclusion, I do not argue that a serious movie which is designed to make the audience think has some advantages; however, in my opinion, movies which make me smile and entertain me are much more beneficial. This is because they provide more opportunities to improve the efficiency of my work and get valuable life lessons.

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