Friday, August 1, 2008

Hiding Money

By Cathy Liu (China)

Have you ever tried to hide money from someone, such as your parents, wife or husband? If you did, did they find your money? I am going to tell you two stories how people hide their money from their parents and partner. If you want to study how to hide money, go with me.

The first story is from the movies. There was a man who wanted to hide his money from his wife. The ingredients are very simple. It is only a sharp knife and big, thick, and useless book, like a big dictionary. First, fold back your cover and some pages, leaving the middle section. Second, use the sharp knife to cut out a hole in the centre of the pages. Make sure the hole is a little bigger than the paper money and through the whole the middle section. After you finish these two procedures, it is like a box in the book. Now your “bank” has been made. You can put your money into your small bank, and put the book back on the bookshelf. However, the story hasn’t finished. The man’s wife occasionally opened the book which was the man’s bank. She was so surprised, and she was yelling, “Honey, I found a lot of money in one book.” The face of the man turned red and he tried to calm down. His wife ran to him and said, “Have you thought of that before? Probably it’s from our ancestors. Let us open all the books.” Therefore, you had better choose a book nobody will open.

The second story is from one of my high school classmates. His parents gave him 50 Chinese dollars every month as allowance. However, if his parents knew he still had allowance from last month, they wouldn’t give him allowance the next month. Therefore, my classmate tried to hide his money from his parents. One day, we planned to buy a gift for our class teacher together. My classmate said he couldn’t pay for two days. We asked him the reason. He answered he needed to find his personal money. We were confused why it is difficult to find his own money. Then he explained how he hid his personal money. Because we have a ton of books for reviewing to help us have a good mark in the serious examination for entering the university, when we are in Grade 12 in China, my classmate had a room for him to save all of his books. He put all of his personal money in many difficult pages of books. Unfortunately because his money was in many diverse books and he didn’t want to lose his money, he wrote down all the titles and page numbers. When he wanted to use his money, it took time for him to find his money. He also said sometimes he forgot where he saved the list. This is also the second way how to hide the money from someone, but be careful you don’t lose your paper.


  1. Thanks for this very funny story, Cathy. I'm going to have to check out how to make one of those secret boxes. Or maybe I'll just do as your friend did and hide some dollar bills in between the pages of a book. This way I could say "No book was harmed in the making of this secret hiding place!"

  2. Thank you for your article.
    so I don't good idea to hide something in a book. Maybe I will go to my garden burry what I want to hide, or put the thing in some plant. I think it is the better idea.keke... do you agree??

  3. Cathy thanks for the ideas of how to hide money! It is a very useful article, specially when you are a student.
