Thursday, March 5, 2009

3 Minutes and 21 Seconds of Fame

American modern artist Andy Warhol gave a photo exhibit in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1968. The catalogue for the exhibit contained the following quote:
In the future everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes.

This morning, one of our ESL students used up 3 minutes and 21 seconds of her fame. She was interviewed on CBC Radio's Daybreak North, the morning show usually broadcast from Prince George, BC, but today, from right here in Fort St. John.

Here's the link: Viviana's Interview

By the way, Viviana, do you have any ideas for using up the rest of your "fame" minutes?


  1. Well, I don't know what I will do with the remaining "11.79" minutes..yet...hehehe I just hope that I wont make too many mistakes as in the first "3.21"...

    Thanks for brought me there!

  2. Hey, Vivi!! I'm missing you.... so I heard your radio intervew today!

    Now I got what you said~!!haha

    How are you doing anyway!
    I'm pretty busy though...I'm fine!

    Please say hello to everyone!!

    Good luck
