Monday, July 14, 2008

Vincent Van Gogh

By Jin Ho Lee (Korea)
As you know, he is one of the famous painters in the world. But unfortunately, in his life time, he was not famous painter. So he was always troubled with indigence. He could barely maintain his life. But now, his works make up for his poor life……


This work is my favorite one of his works. Sunflowers mean passion to reach the Sun. Gogh used a yellow color to give expression to the passion. And there is a statistics. Mad people tend to like a yellow color. If it’s true, I think his madness created this great painting.

“A Pair of Shoes”

This painting expresses his desire. He always wanted to be a pair. For example, with a friend, lover, and brother. He liked his coworker painter, Gauguin. So they stayed together for a couple of months. But after a big argument, they broke off relations each other. And in case of love, he chose always a hard person to love. For example, one way love or a prostitute. So he couldn’t be a pair. But even though he failed to be a pair with a friend and lover, he was very close with his brother. They used usually a letter to inquire after the welfare each other. And there are a lot of his thought and feelings about his paintings.

The Hague, 13 Dec 1872

“Dear Theo,

What good news I’ve just read in Father’s letter. I wish you luck with all my heart. I’m sure you will like it there, it’s such a fine firm. It will be quite a change for you. I’m so glad that both of us are now to be in the same firm. We must be sure to write to each other regularly. I hope that I’ll see you before you leave, we still have a lot of talk about. I believe that Brussels is a very pleasant city, but it’s bound to feel strange for you in the beginning. Write to me soon in any case. Well, goodbye for now, this is just a brief note dashed off in haste, but I had to tell you how delighted I am at the news. Best wishes, and believe me, always,

Your loving brother,


“Starry Night”

His works have very strong impressions. This painting had been completed before 13 months he died. he thought a night is brighter than a day. So even though it’s night time, we can see a lot of movements and lights in this painting.

”Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear”

After a big argument with Gauguin, he cursed his own ear for hearing harsh words from Gauguin. So he cut his ear and then drew this painting.

As I told you before, he had a mental problem. But his madness created masterpieces and we call him a genius painter. And probably his works will impress us forever.


  1. Jin Ho,

    Thank you for this article on Vincent Van Gogh. Many people might be familiar with some of his paintings, but not everyone knows the sadness he experienced in his life.

    I think "Starry Night" is beautiful; maybe I feel that way because I am interested in the stars.

    I read somewhere that a scientist--either a physicist or an astronomer--calculated the exact place Van Gogh stood when he painted this painting. The calculation was based on the position of the moon and stars.

  2. jin ho

    you are a good writer.
    I like your essay.
    thank you

  3. Hi Jin Ho,
    I really liked your essay. It is very interesting. It also shows how cultured you are :)
    I didn't know about the appealing for yellow colour for mad people, interesting...

  4. Thanks~guys~
    Pam~I'm very surprised at your comments. Cause I've known the place is somewhere in Paris. And have you ever listened to the song "Vincent-Don Mclean"? I heard this song came from that painting. Try it when you have the time.

  5. When I study about painting, I had interesting about Van Gogh.
    Cause i was been impressive by those paintings!

    Thank you for your sharing!
