Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Effects of an Earthquake

By Keisuke Nakagawa

The impact of an earthquake is very serious for our life. Whenever earthquakes occur, we suffer from the damage. The damage affects economy, social organization, and nature. In this essay, I’m going to talk about the effects.

First, an earthquake gives us economic effects. Of course, the earthquake can break buildings. Therefore, offices and factories would be destroyed. If so, economic activities of the firm must be stopped. Such problems will be one more. The problems will come at the time of coming of an earthquake. It will affect not only each company but also the national economy. The efficiency of the national economy will get worse. An earthquake can destroy the economic activities.

The second effect is for social organization. The cruelest trouble is death of people. Every time a strong earthquake comes, many people are killed. Not to mention, that brings intense sorrow for survivors. Reduction of victims is a challenge for the nations. The worst situation is the outbreak in the biggest city. The victims will be more. And the headquarters of the nation will get damaged too. The collapse of the core will bring stronger chaos for the disaster area, because rescue and aid won’t work properly.

The third is effects for nature. An earthquake makes bad problems for the environment. The soil will be cracked. It causes landslides and liquefaction. The landslides are seen in forests and mountains. Sometimes, fallen trees and sand block the road and the railways. On the other hand, liquefaction is seen at coasts. Because of that, the land subsidence also occurs.

These impacts are very horrible for us. It is difficult to escape from the effects. However, we have to strive to reduce the damage. To keep our peaceful life, we need to find the way.

The Benefits of Learning English

By Gayane Ambaryan

From the ancient times people of different cultures tried to communicate with each other. That’s why they studied new languages. At present English is becoming the global language and many people around the world study it. According to statistics, more than one billion people speak English now. There are a lot of benefits of studying it: communication with people, getting a good job, and maybe traveling to different countries and learning more about them.

The first benefit of learning English is communication. People always try to find ways to communicate with each other. Learning English is a good way to communicate with people, because English is a language of international communication and many people around the world speak English. So, knowlege of English helps people feel more comfortable, especially now when English is becoming the global language and every year more and more people are studying it.

The second advantage of learning English is getting a good employment. Studying language helps to reach the goal to get a good job. It also can open new opportunities in our career. If we are looking for a prospective and interesting job, learning English is a good idea. After we get a job we can share our experience with other people, to get more knowledge in our area of expertise, and advance in our career.

The last benefit of learning English is traveling and learning. If we are planning to travel, visit different countries, and learn more about them, first of all, we have to learn English. It helps get more information about different cultures, and make new friends from other countries. One of the advantages of learning English is that we will be able to discover the world.

In conclusion, English has become the language of international communication. There are, of course, lots of advantages of learning it: communication with people, getting employment, traveling and learning. More and more people around the world are learning English every year. Knowledge of English helps us to become an international person, to feel more comfortable and maybe to get all these benefits.